Little Domesday [from the Alecto Historical Editions 1992 translation]
Folio 408v: Suffolk – Hugh de Montfort – Hundred of Stow
In Dagworth Hugh holds in demesne 7 free men which Guthmund, Hugh’s
predecessor, held by commendation only, with 2 carucates of land in the soke of
the king and the earl and under them are 17 bordars. Then and afterwards 5
ploughs between them all, now 4. Woodland for 12 pigs. 8 acres of meadow. Then
and afterwards worth 45s and now 45s.
In the same Dagworth he holds in demesne 6 sokemen belonging to Thorney, the
king’s manor of the kingdom with every customary due. And they have between
them all 1 carucate of land. 4 bordars. Then and afterwards 3 ploughs, now 2; 5
acres of meadow. Then and afterwards worth 30s, now 20s. And these 6 sokemen
Hugh claims by livery. Dagworth is 1 league [long] and a half broad. In geld 30d,
whoever holds [land] there.
Folio 409v: Suffolk
In Dagworth Breme, a free man of King Edward’s who was killed at the Battle of
Hastings, held. He had 1½ carucates of land but it was delivered to Hugh as half a
carucate by exchange. And the soke is the king’s and the earl’s. Then as now 11
bordars and 3 slaves. Then and always 2 ploughs in demesne. Then and
afterwards 2 ploughs belonging to the men, now 1. Woodland for 60 pigs. 9 acres
of meadow. 1 mill. 1 church without land and half a church with 30 acres of land
and then 1½ acres of meadow. Then 13 head of cattle, now 10, and 12 pigs; 16
sheep and 40 goats. Then as now worth 60s. In the same manor 1 free man of
Breme, by commendation only. He has 11½ acres. 1 bordar. Then and afterwards
half a plough, now none. It is worth 3s. William fitzGross holds this manor from
Hugh de Montfort.
In Dagworth Hugh holds a half free man with 20 acres, worth 3s.
Folio 427: Suffolk – Walter the Deacon – Hundred of Stow
In Dagworth William holds; 1 free man over whom Theodoric the predecessor of
Barthetona [sic] had half the commendation and Guthmund the predecessor of
Hugh [...] de Montfort had the other half. And he could sell his land without their
permission. He had 60 acres and 1 bordar. Then and afterwards 1½ ploughs, now
2 oxen. Woodland for 10 pigs. 3 acres of meadow.