1824: Copy of the Will of John Jacob
The following transcript is from the will held by Bury Archives, RefNo FHU/2/1/6/4
Office Copy of the Will of John Jacob late of Dagworth a Hamlet of Old Newton in
the County of Suffolk Farmer deceased
Extracted from the Registry of the Archdeaconry of Sudbury at Bury Saint Edmunds
In the Name of God Amen I John Jacob of Dagworth a Hamlet of Old Newton in the
County of Suffolk Farmer hereby revoking all former and other Wills by me at any
times heretofore made DO make publish and declare this my last Will and
Testament in manner and form following (that is to say) I give and devise all and
singular my Messuages Lands Tenements hereditaments and real estate as well
freehold and leasehold and whatsoever and wheresoever unto Anna Jacob my
Wife and her assigns To hold the same unto the said Anna Jacob and her assigns
for and during the term of her natural life without impeachment of waste she
keeping the same in good and tenable repair. And from and immediately after the
decease of the decease of the [sic] said Anna my Wife I give and devise all such
and so much as is or are Freehold or Charterhold and not Copyhold or Customary
holden of and in all and singular my said Messuages Lands Tenements and
hereditaments with their and every of their appurtenances unto my Executors
hereinafter named their heirs and assigns Upon Trust that they my Executors and
the survivor of them his heirs and assigns do and shall as soon as conveniently
may be next after the decease of the said Anna my Wife absolutely sell and
dispose of all and singular the said hereditaments either together or in parcels and
either by public auction of private contract or partly by public auction and partly by
private contract to any person or persons willing to become the purchaser or
purchasers respectively for such price or prices sum and sums of money as they
my said Executors hereinafter named and the survivor of them and the heirs and
assigns of such survivor shall think reasonable with full power and authority to
purchase in the same at any public auction without liability for any loss that may be
occasioned thereby and I do hereby authorize empower order and direct my
Executors hereinafter named and the survivor of them his heirs and assigns as
soon as conveniently may be after the decease of the said Anna my Wife
absolutely to sell and dispose of all such and so much and such part and parts of
my said hereditaments and real estate as is or are Copyhold or Customary holden
either together or in parcels and either by public auction or private contract or
partly by public auction and partly by private contract to any person or persons
willing to become the purchaser or purchasers respectively for such price or prices
sum and sums of money as they my said Executors and the survivor of them and
the heirs and assigns of such survivor shall think reasonable with full power and
authority to purchase in the same at any public auctions without liability for any loss
that may be occasioned thereby and for facilitating and promoting such sale and
sales as well of the Freehold as of the Copyhold parts of my said hereditaments do
and shall enter into make and execute all such contracts convenants agreements
conveyances and assurances acts deeds matters and things whatsoever as they
my said Executors and the survivor of them and the heirs and assigns of such
survivor shall deem proper Provided always and I declare my mind and Will to be
that if the said Anna my Wife shall at any time during her life be disirous [sic] that
the said Messuages Lands Tenements and hereditaments or any part or parcel
thereof shall be sold and signify such desire under her hand then and in that case
my said Executors and the survivor of them and the heirs and assigns of such
survivor shall sell the same or any part or parcel thereof during the life of the said
Anna my Wife in manner hereinbefore mentioned and I declare my Will to be that
the receipt or receipts of my said Executors and the survivor of them and the heirs
and assigns of such survivor shall be a good and sufficient discharge and good
and sufficient discharges to any purchaser or purchasers of all of any part of my
said hereditaments so respectively given in Trust and directed to be sold as
aforesaid or for so much money as shall be therein acknowledged or expressed to
be received and that such purchaser or purchasers or his her or their respective
heirs executors administrators or assigns or any or either of them shall not
afterwards be answerable or accountable for any loss misapplication or
nonapplication of all or any part of the said purchase money therein acknowledged
or expressed to be received and the money arising from such sale or sales and by
and out of the rents and profits of my said hereditaments so respectively given and
directed to be sold as aforesaid after the decease of my said Wife till such sale or
sales (after all just charges thereout deducted I direct shall be considered and
taken as part of my personal estate hereinafter disposed of and all the rest residue
and remainder of my goods chattels household furniture plate Linen china money
securities for money farming stock implements in husbandry and all other my
personal estate and effects whatsoever and wheresoever and the money to arise
as aforesaid (after payment of my just debts funeral and Testamentary expences
[sic]) I will and direct shall be divided into two moieties or equal half parts or share
thereof I give and bequeath unto the said Anna my Wife for her own absolute use
and benefit and the other moiety or equal half part thereof I give and bequeath
unto my said Execeutors hereinafter named their Executors administrators and
assigns Upon Trust that they my said Executors hereinafter named and the
survivor of them his executors and administrators or assigns do and shall with all
convenient speed invest the same in their or his names or name in the purchase of
Parliamentary Stocks or public funds of Great Britain or at interest upon real
securities in England and do and shall vary alter and Transfer such stocks funds or
securities for others of the like makeover[?] when and so often as it shall seem
expedient and do and shall pay the Interest dividends and annual produce thereof
unto or permit the same to be received by my said Wife and her assigns during the
term of her natural life And from and immediately after the decease of my said Wife
I give and bequeath One equal third part of the said Trust money stocks funds and
securities unto Sarah the Wife of Robert Terry of Hadleigh in the said County one
other equal third part or share thereof I give and bequeath unto Anne the Wife of
Richard Freeman of Stowmarket in the said County, Surgeon and the other equal
third part of share thereof I give and bequeath unto Elizabeth Jacob spinster for
their absolute use and benefit and I hereby nominate and appoint the said Richard
Freeman and the Rev Edward Ward of Haughley in the said County Clerk
Executors of this my last Will and Testament and I do lastly declare that my
Executors so appointed as aforesaid shall not be answerable the one for the other
of them or for the signing receipts for the sake of conformity or for any involuntary
loss and that it shall be lawful for him and them out of the monies which shall come
to their hands respectively to reimburse himself and themselves their costs and
expences incurred by the Trusts reposed in them respectively
In Witness whereof I have to the two first sheets of this my last Will and Testament
contained in three sheets of paper set my hand and to the third sheet thereof my
hand and seal this twelfth day of May one thousand eight hundred and twenty four
John Jacob
Signed sealed published and declared by the said Testator John Jacob as and for
his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who in his presence and at his
request and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names
as Witnesses thereto Elizabeth Ward James Ward Robt. Marriott
Probate of this Will was made in common form before the Revd Christn Lawson
[clerk?] to the Worshipful Henry Denny Berners Clk LLB Offc 10th day of Sepr
1824 by the oaths of the Exors to whom admon[?] &c was granted being sworn.
Saving all right &c.